Best Skin Care Tips


Best Skin Care Tips and Tricks From Head to Toe

A healthy and glowing skin is also the indication of the healthy state of the body. Your skin needs special attention in every season from head to toe. All  Ladies wants to know all the other girls’ beauty secrets and skin care tips and trick from head to toe.





First of all. Don’t wash your hair every day. Even if you battle grease, wear it up once every few days. It’s important to allow your natural oils to release vital nutrients to your hair. Washing every day can also dry your scalp and cause embarrassing dandruff.  



Use caffeinated green tea bags to reduce puffiness under your eyes, Soak the bags in hot water for a few minutes and let them cool to room temperature – before squeezing out the excess liquid. Then, place them on your closed eyes for a few minutes. The caffeine will increase circulation, and the antioxidants will have additional wrinkle fighting benefits for your skin too.


Moisturize! There are lots of tips all across your research platforms these days for scrubs and moisturizers specifically designed for your lips. Make sure you’re using a moisturizer with at least 15 SPF sun block.


Invest in a professional strength brand for your face wash. Consider Dermpura, created with all natural ingredients and specially formulated to boost collagen synthesis and strengthen the skin’s support structure.
Regardless of what you choose, make sure go with a non greasy formula and for crying out loud, use natural products!



Want a hunchback when you get to sixty. It is suggested that you sit up straight and perform neck exercises daily to maintain strong neck muscles. These muscles play a larger role in your shoulders and back as well, meaning that if you don’t do these exercises, you could be experiencing unnecessary pain. Pain is not beautiful. Try to go for neck cream which smoothen your neck cream.


More moisturizing! And exfoliating and moisturizing some more! Don’t forget your vitamin D. Especially if you live in a cloudy climate or if you’re prone to the winter blues. Use sun block at all times and prevent chapped skin by covering up on windy days.


Dry elbows? As you know by now, you need to be moisturizing your entire body. Here’s a trick, rub a banana peel onto your elbows. The Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry notes that bananas are also a rich source of vitamin C, which aids in healing. The peel has proven scientific results showing the fruit to contain both anti-fungal and antibiotic components.


Occasionally treat yourself to a manicure, or do one yourself. Soak your hands in warm water for one minute, then use a pumice stone to smooth out calluses and dry skin. Scrub with olive oil and sugar, rubbing your hands together to scrape off even more dead skin.


While your fingers are attached to your hands, they still get their own category because your fingers are vital parts of your daily function. Don’t crack your knuckles and if you type or play an instrument, you should also invest some time in little exercises. Mostly for your wrist...... you wouldn’t want to develop carpal tunnel after all… And just don`t forgot to apply moisturizer on on you fingers too.


Use coconut oil for dry knees. But furthermore, mix some plain yogurt with vinegar to get a smooth paste. Apply it to the affected knees of darkened skin. Yogurt contains lactic acid that helps lighten skin color. You can do this for your elbows too.


again, each week, or two at least you should be given or giving yourself a manicure. Take a nail supplement if you have weak nails and make sure you’re getting enough calcium.




Often times our busy schedule gets in the way of a complete beauty routine. Make sure you’re taking care of your toes too! Get a pedicure and if you’re suffering from something like toe-nail fungus, be sure to cover it up with nail polish while it’s healing. There are lots of products on the market, all natural recipes even to cure this nasty little pesk. 


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